We prepare Christian leaders to change their world and build God's Kingdom.

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LifeMastery Course
Sign up for a seven-part video course that will be delivered into your email box.
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Watch an indepth series from Jeff Gerhardt and Noah Elias to prepare you
for your life's mission.
LifeMastery Course
Sign up for a seven-part video course that will be delivered into your email box.
Free Training
Watch an indepth series from Jeff Gerhardt and Noah Elias to prepare you for your life's mission.
“You want to have that network you can rely on and call on as you move
forward in your years outside The Masterʼs Program. Plus, theyʼre
great people… people who elect to spend the time to enroll, they have a
similar vision… youʼre dealing with like-minded individuals."
- Jon P.
“When I started The Master’s Program, I considered myself to be a mature Christian. I had been in full-time ministry for over 20 years and had learned under some very wise men. I discovered how to apply Biblical truths to my life and all of its circumstances and situations. However, what I have learned in The Master’s Program has transformed the way I view the Kingdom of God, ministry, my family and myself."
- Derrick B.