
Free Briefing:
Discover how to maximize your leadership potential through Life Mastery

Register below for our free Introductory Briefing in San Diego on September 21, 2022.


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You will discover:

  • How to maximize your time, talent, and money for eternal impact
  • How to leverage your influence for eternal significance
  • How to achieve more balance, more margin, and more focus
  • How to use your career as a mission

and much, much, more!

Event Information:

Morgan Run Resort
and Golf Club

5690 Cancha de Golf
Rancho Santa Fe, CA

September 21, 2022

7:30 – 9:00am PST
(In Person)

About The Master’s Program

For the last 25 years, the Master’s Program has provided an in-person and virtual mentorship designed to help Christian leaders grow their influence to impact the world and build God’s Kingdom through their acts of service and irresistible lifestyles.

These briefings will provide a brief overview of the Master’s Program experience which includes how you can achieve life mastery and how to become equipped for your life mission and kingdom assignment. 

Your Presenter:

Noah Elias


Born and raised in Orange County, California, Noah grew up to be one of the most well known artist in the country and around the globe. He began his company on his bike at sixteen handing out business cards to create art, signs and illustrations for local businesses. Soon after graduation from High School, Noah received an airbrush from his family. It was at that point that he then embarked on a career of creating custom portraits on clothing and canvas. Noah would set up and paint live at local clubs and coffee shops quite often, which caught the attention of numerous corporate companies, television stations and even internationally recognized clientele, including notable actors, actresses and musicians.

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