Is This A Do-over, or A Do-better?
We made it! Thanks for allowing me a few minutes on this, the first Monday of 2025, to get our relational conversation rebooted for a new year of opportunity. I don’t know if you feel it, but it seems that there’s an air of optimistic possibility wafting around our national neighborhood. Covid is now an

Early 2025 Thoughts – Setting up for the next wave…
I’m bi-coastal. I grew up going to the beaches of New Smyrna, Florida, until college life took me to the La Jolla cliffs of the Pacific Ocean. For thirty-three years of my life I enjoyed watching waves or riding them. Those years taught me something profound: success in the ocean isn’t just about riding

Which Way Is Your Wind Blowing?
As you wrap-up 2024 and point your bow into 2025, which way is the wind blowing? What a year! A hard-fought election; storms, floods and fires from coast-to-coast; a stock market climbing to historic highs; leaders in every sector toppled by revelations of past indiscretions; consumer confidence tepid while unemployment is teetering. A new

Your Kingdom Impact Through TMP in 2025
I can read minds. Well, at least one particular thought that might have crossed your mind. It’s the one about supporting The Master’s Program beyond your enthusiasm. It’s actually a question – one that deserves a straight and perhaps surprising answer. Here’s a reality that might raise your eyebrows: only about one-third of our current

So, What Do You Want for Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? You’ve been asked that question in the last few days, I know. There are still people in your life who plan to bless you this week with a gift. They aren’t looking for an excuse – the economy; inflation; porch-pirates – to take you off their list. Maybe you’ve

It’s All About the Gifts
For the rest of 2024, here’s the headline over your daily pursuits: It’s all about the gifts. Come January 2025, let me prophesy the honest appraisal of the year-end, for most: the gift effort will have underperformed its potential. Will you be among the losers? The Crush is on. Until the 24th, there will be